I hope everyone had the best Easter! We sure did.We started out Good Friday with Children’s Parade. I don’t know what it is about a plastic set of beads,but you would think they were gold!
We of course colored eggs too. I had read about baking them in a muffin dish instead of boiling them and it actually worked! I think C would have colored ten dozen eggs if I’d let her!
Easter morning we woke up and went to see if the Easter Bunny came and boy did he. This little girl must have been good, because somehow the guinea pig she had been begging for for months, showed up! We had a wonderful service at Church and after the service we got to release a butterfly to celebrate The Resurrection of Christ! It was so neat I’d never seen such.
Following Church we feasted on yummy food and had an Easter Egg hunt. Covington has gotten so good at finding the eggs we are going to have to try a little harder at hiding them next year.
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