Let me start off by saying how much I LOVE our sofa!!! I would buy it again a million times over…
I did research upon research on sofas before we finally pulled the trigger.. I knew exactly what I wanted but, per the usual, my taste didn’t match our budget So, this led me to the Ektorp. I read reviews left and right and we finally decided it was the right fit for us!
So… We purchased the Ikea’s Ektorp Corner Sofa in Blekinge White. It came in 3 huge boxes which is pretty frightening to think about! (especially when you are not the handiest of all people .. Sorry babe 🙂 ) Anyway, it really wasn’t all that difficult to assemble. So, after living on it for the past month this is so far, my consensus . (Keep in mind, we have 2 dogs and a toddler in addition to my husband and myself.. We eat, cuddle, color, and sleep on this couch (: )
- It is beautiful!! most important right (:
- It can ALWAYS be washed! Every piece is removable and the entire couch cover fits in our front load washer in 2 loads! That ” yummy, clean, dryer sheet” smell is SO much better than a bottle of Febreeze could ever do.
- It is affordable !! A super plus! Even a brand new slipcover is cheap!
- It’s so comfy! Literally, our entire family of 5 curls up on it together and we all have room!
- Light weight. It’s so easy to move around. Comes in handy when removing slip covers or if you have decorators a.d.d.
- Many different colors and textures of slip covers to choose from
- As you would expect… White gets dirty. Dedicate a good day for washing the slip covers. I’ve washed the entire couch 2 times since we got it. People who aren’t as messy or don’t LIVE on their sofa like we have… more than likely won’t be washing theirs as much as we do.
- Do NOT let your covers completely dry before putting them back on! 75-80% dry is ideal.
- The slip covers tend to be a tad wrinkled.. I need to be better at steaming out the bottom… but it honestly doesn’t bother me that much.
- Sweaters tend to leave a small amount of lint on the cushions . Since we get below 70 degrees about 5 times a year here in Florida, this isn’t much of an issue for us..
- Tad bit shorter than an average couch but we haven’t even noticed.
- Ikea location. A lot of people don’t live near an Ikea 🙁
As for now these are the few things that ring a bell to me.. The pros absolutely outweigh the cons!! When you come in the living room to find your husband curled up asleep while playing his video game …you know you’ve got a good couch !