As usual I feel like another holiday has flown by. We have had so much stuff going on this month, but we have already done our fair share of celebrating. We went to Celebration for our first time! We went during Octoberfest. They have so much to do…bands playing, delicious pumpkin beer, carriage rides, and machines along the street that blow out leaves. It was crazy neat watching all the children in the street throwing leaves around, including my own 🙂 If you’ve never been I highly recommend it. Celebration is a town created by Disney, so you can only imagine how perfect it is.
On another note, I have eaten entirely too much Halloween candy. I swear I have a sugar high while writing this. For Halloween our family dressed up as characters from Little Red Riding Hood. We had lunch at the Yacht Club where Covington won cutest costume and then trick or treated at the Church 🙂 She wasn’t the least bit phased by us being dressed up. I wonder what we will be next year ? 🙂