I had so much fun planning Covington’s First Birthday Party. She has always loved her talking Mother Goose that tells her bedtime stories so I knew that would be a perfect theme for her. I stuck with pretty pastel “shabby chic” colors on everything. I wanted it to be very frilly and girly 🙂  Her name was on everything down to the water bottles.. We LOVE monograms.. obviously! Pictures were displayed along the fence and monthly pictures on the wooden tree.
We had a menu of : pigs in a blanket “Three little piggies in a blanket”, Sausage Balls ” Dittle Dittle dumplings”, Pink Chocolate Marshmallows with sugar “Sheeps Wool”, Pink Chocolate Rice Crispy Treats” Curds and Whey”, Chocolate Pretzel Rods ” Little Bo Peeps Pretzel Canes”, Pink Goldfish ” One, Two, Three, Four, Five Once I Caught A Fish Alive”, Rock Candy” Rock A Bye Baby Sweets”, Kettle Corn with pink chocolate” Mother Goose Crunch” and Blue Punch “Moonshine”.
Our party favors were sand buckets and shovels.. and Little Golden Books with a special message inside.
Covington’s outfit was so special to me. It was a pink heirloom Strasburg Lace bubble. I wore it for my first birthday! She wore a pink birthday hat with a “1” on it for about 5 seconds.
We were so blessed for all the friends and family that attended and made her day so special 🙂 I can’t believe our baby is ONE!!!