Living 13 hours away from home makes for no easy travel. It is especially hard with a 10 month old. Covington and I flew up to spend a week with my family. It was quite the experience for us both. I researched and asked a few friends on tips on what to expect on the plane with a baby. I was very nervous and didn’t know what to really expect.

I felt is was easiest to check everything except her diaper bag. So, I checked our luggage, car seat and stroller. If I had been traveling with my husband or someone to help me, I would’ve gate checked the stroller. However, I couldn’t manage folding it up and putting it through security while my baby was crawling around on the floor. I carried Covington in my Solly Baby Wrap .(highly recommend!) You don’t have to take them out of the wrap to walk through so it was really easy. So.. All I had to put through the x-Ray machine was the diaper bag , bottles and my shoes. I had packed 2 bottles for Covington to drink during take-off and landing. I didn’t known at the time but I was  told you can bring as much breast milk as needed, they may just test it. Security ended up not being bad at all to manage with her.

When we got on the plane she was so excited . She was watching everyone and her favorite game became, pull everything out of the back of the seat and toss it. I tried to put all kinds of things in her bag to entertain her. I packed: iPad for games and movies, rattles, wubbanub , books, and snacks. She did great until we started to land .. I think the pressure was bothering her. She calmed down after a few minutes and was fine. I was so nervous having the screaming baby on the plane but I got over it. She was only fussy a few minutes and I know it bothered me a lot worse than everyone else…

We landed and retirieved all of our luggage .. We survived Covington’s first flight!! It was not as bad as I had anticipated. Checking everything was the way to go! I would recommend bottles,patience, and cocktail for anyone traveling with an infant! Really and truly it’s not that bad 🙂

186Happy as a clam with her bottle during take off

182At the airport 🙂


Sleeping on the way home!!
